É já no próximo dia 10 de Fevereiro que terá lugar, na Gulbenkian, a III Conferência: “Desenvolvimento Económico Português no Espaço Europeu”, uma iniciativa do Banco de Portugal. Do programa, que se encontra disponível aqui, destacam-se:
9.30 - Vítor Constâncio , no discurso de abertura 10:30 - Margarida Duarte e Diego Restuccia, "The Structural Transformation and Aggregate Productivity in Portugal 11:00 - André de Castro Silva, "Taxes and Labor Supply: Portugal, Europe, and the United States" 11:45 - Susana Peralta, "Budget Setting Autonomy and Political Accountability" 15:30 - Pedro Carneiro, "Equality of Opportunity and Educational Achievement in Portugal" 16:00 - Rita Almeida e Pedro Carneiro, "The Internal Rate of Return to On-the-Job Training" 16:20 - Cátia Batista, "Will the East Follow Portugal?" 17:15-Luís Cabral, "Small Firms in Portugal: A Selective Survey of Stylized Facts, Economic Analysis, and Policy Implications" 18:00 - Rui Albuquerque e Clara Vega, "Asymmetric Information in the Stock Market: Economic News and Co-movement Between US and Portugal" |
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